A “Stage IV” Treatment For Cancer
Disclaimer : The following is not a prescription to any patient but sharing of information only. As per request of readers of my articles published in Assamese Daily “Amar Asom” and also their compilation under the caption “CANCEROR ANSWER”, I am only sharing information obtained from the internet and information obtained from cancer patients who are following these treatment protocols of their own at home. I am sharing them with you not to suggest that you will have the same experiences but because you have a right to make your own evaluation. Similar to my right to freedom -of- speech, you have also right to freedom-of information and choice. Decision is yours.
Introduction to the Johanna Brandt Grape Diet
Purple (Concord) grapes (with their skin and seeds), and to a slightly lesser degree red and black grapes, contain several nutrients that are known to kill cancer cells. These kinds of grapes also contain nutrients to stop the spread of cancer. They also help detoxify the body.
This diet was developed by Johanna Brandt, who was a South African immigrant to America. She spent many years experimenting with fasting and diets before she found her grape cure. Her book on the grape cure was published in the 1920s. Much has been learned since the 1920s and many things have changed. It would not be advisable to read her book and follow it without taking into account what has been learned and what has changed since she wrote the book.