About Me
Who am I ?
Let me introduce myself as Dilip Kumar Goswami. Born in Sarumoinapuria Gaon, near Lahdoigarh, 14 kms from Jorhat town, Assam, India, to Late Gubin Chandra Goswami & Mrs. Suchila Goswami, I lost my father on the 30th day of my birth. My maternal grandfather Late Devendra Nath Bhattacharyya who was the second son of Late Budhindra Nath Dilihial Bhattacharyya, the author of “Pronouncing Anglo-Assamese Dictionary”, brought me along with my elder brother to his Jorhat residence. We were brought up by grandfather and grandmother at Jorhat town for which we are ever indebted to them. After primary education in “Ward No.4 Primary School”, passed matriculation from “Sankardev Seminary” and pre-university from “J.B. College”, all in Jorhat and then I took admission in Jorhat Engineering college in 1968. After passing the 2nd year final examination, took institutional transfer to Assam Engineering College for enrolling in Chemical Engineering. Staying at Hostel No.3, I obtained Bachelor’s Degree from Assam Engineering College in 1973 in Chemical Engineering with first class fifth position under Guwahati University.
My family
I married Jyotica, the eldest daughter of Late Mukti Nath Bezbarua & Late Sisir Bezbarua of Margherita, Assam, on 4th December,1978 and we have two children, daughter Ananya & son Tonmoy, both are engineers presently working in software companies in Bangalore & Pune respectively.
Career & achievements
I joined in OIL INDIA LTD. on 1st November, 1974 as Graduate Engineer Trainee in the Production Department and worked in various capacities until October,1987 when I went on deputation to the Refinery & Petrochemical Division of AIDC, specially created for Accord Refinery pre-project activities, based in Guwahati. I was also a member of the Refinery Site Selection Sub-Committee which finally came up at Numaligarh. I had also contributed in getting Letter of Intent for the Assam Gas Cracker and in fact, the gas availability for the gas cracker at that time was established by me through a feasibility study. Interestingly, unlike the 4th refinery, there was no site selection committee formally constituted for Assam Gas Cracker and Tengakhat, the original site for the Assam Gas Cracker, was selected by me through the above feasibility study only. However, subsequently the site had to be shifted to Lepetkata due to objection from Aviation Authority for the Tengakhat site and there were changes in feed stock due to which it has now become a Gas-cum-Naphtha Cracker.
I was offered a posting in Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL) as Senior Manager and accepting the offer I joined in NRL on 31st March 1993 as the first employee of the organisation after taking voluntary retirement from Oil India Ltd. However, subsequently Oil India Ltd refused to give me the benefits of voluntary retirement scheme with the plea that as per Bureau of Public Enterprises’ Guideline one cannot join another public sector organization after taking voluntary retirement from any public sector. I had challenged Oil India’s contention as well as the legality of the Guideline in the Guwahati High Court and won the case. Oil India then appealed against the single bench judgment where OIL was represented by the senior most advocate of Guwahati High Court N.M. Lahiri. The appeal case was argued by myself in the court where the then Hon’ble Chief Justice B Kumar and Justice D. Biswas were in the bench, in a court hall jam packed with advocates. I won the appeal case and Oil India had to release my VRS benefits. The full judgment is available inwww.indiankanoon.org/doc/653091/
From 1993 to 2011 I worked in various departments with different capacities in NRL and retired on 31st January,2011. My last posting was as the General Manager (Human Resource & Legal). I have already shifted to my own house in Guwahati at House No. 199, Panjabari near Guwahati Psychiatric Hospital.
As an actor
I have acted in many one act plays and in a few full length dramas since 1975 all in Duliajan , Moran and Numaligarh. My favourite roles are comedy characters. Few of my successful one act plays staged at Numaligarh were ” Biswase Miloyo Hori”, ” Ventilator 97″, “Time Capsule”, “ Broken Mirror”, etc. “Broken Mirror” was a dialogue less play co-acting with Sri Debojeet Sarma Kakoty which had to be repeated on public demand three times on different occasions at Kaliyani Club, Numaligarh.
As a writer
Since 1988, I had written a number of articles in the local newspapers & periodicals namely, The North-East Times, Dainik Asom, Natun Dainik, Boodhbar, Agan, , etc. with my pseudo names Satyen Sarma, Satyabrata Handique, etc. on various current topics some of which had created sensation among the public. In fact, my article under the caption ‘Barauniloi Adhik Tel Nibor Karone Looping Hoi Ase Janene?” published in “Dainik Asom” in 1989 with my pseudo name Satyabrata Handique resulted a state wide student agitation against construction of loop line by Oil India Ltd in the Duliajan-Barauni Crude Oil Pipeline which had culminated in abandoning the project by Oil India Ltd. I still continue to write articles on current topics in news papers to express my views to the public but now with my identity.
Articles on cancer
I had come across a book named ‘Cancer-step outside the Box’ authored by Ty M. Bollinger in early 2008 which was declared as ‘The most sensational book’, ‘The most eye opening book’, etc. in America in 2008. The synopsis of the book is that the cure for cancer has been found in the world through natural alternative therapies about 50/60 years back and the large pharmaceutical industries are converting cancer research and treatment to a ‘Cancer Industry’ through orthodox treatments of Chemotherapy, Radiation and Operation for their business gain. After going through the book and subsequent study on the internet on alternative treatments of cancer, I had written a series of articles in the Assamese daily newspaper ‘Amar Asom’ under the caption ‘Canceror Answer’ compilation of which has already been published in a book form in 2009 and 5000 copies of the first edition is almost exhausted. Due to overwhelming response from readers of the book in Assamese, intending to spread the message contained in the articles among the masses, the book has been already translated to English and both Assamese & the English versions are available free as soft copy in this website in pdf format. However, the author is not responsible for any controversy on anything contained in these articles as these are either gathered from internet or reproduced from the book ‘Cancer-Step Outside the Box’.
Assistance to cancer patients
Though I received a number of lucrative post-retirement offers from private oil companies, ignoring all, I decided to devote rest of my life in serving people through alternative treatments of cancer. I share my knowledge on alternative treatments of cancer at no cost with any cancer patient seeking my assistance in applying these therapies at home. Though most of the patients come after failure of radiation &/or Chemotherapy some of them are reportedly getting positive results with alternative therapies. In fact, one Lymphoma patient namely Ms. Ruby Dutta, a teacher in Panitola Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh got cured with alternative treatment at her home which was disclosed by her elder brother Shri Ritujit Rajkhowa in a press conference on 14th January,2011 and the news was published in the front page of “Amar Asom” on 15th January,2011. Another patient Shri Jagabandhu Das of Golokganj, who was suffering from esophagus cancer & feeding pipe implanted, attained complete remission with alternative therapy and the NE TV broadcasted a report in their prime news on 16th June,2011 in all languages. Both these cases are reproduced in detail in the ‘success stories’ section of this website. Another Acute Myeloid Leukemia patient diagnosed in September,2010 who could not be confirmed of surviving for a month by both Tata Memorial and Prince Ali Khan Hospital of Mumbai could survive for nine months with alternative treatment at home. However, she did not die of cancer, but from lung infection which could not be controlled by orthodox medicine. Subsequently, some more patients who got cured of cancer after applying various alternative treatments are Shri Rajkamal Koch of Biswanath Chariali, Mrs. Subarna Pujari of Bokakhat, Mrs. Usha Maheswari of Guwahati, Mrs. Toyubun Nisha of Golaghat, Mrs. Padmaboti Devi Singh of Guwahati, Mrs. Rupohi Devi of Jorhat, etc.This site will be continuously updated with latest testimonials & success stories.
For information of readers of this website, I have already successfully completed N.D. course on Naturopathy in 2012-13 from Indian Board of Alternative Medicine and now I am legally authorised to practice Naturopath.
My vision
To establish alternative natural therapies as the first choice of cancer treatment and to make the North-East cancer free.
Actions taken to achieve vision.
One NGO under the name & style of ‘PO’RITRAN’ has already been registered under my Presidentship with noted intellectuals of Assam Shri Homen Borgohain and Shri Dhirendranath Chakravorty in the Advisory Board, sole vision of the NGO being ‘eradication of cancer from the North-East India’. The NGO organises Cancer Awareness Meetings where I deliver speeches on prevention and treatment of cancer through natural alternative home therapies. In order to achieve objective of the NGO it has proposed to set up one clinic in & around Bokakhat, Assam with technical support from International Complementary Alternative Medicine(ICAM), Bangalore for treatment of cancer patients at subsidised/free of charge under its charitable activities. The clinic is expected to be in operation within a year depending on response from corporate world & prospective donors.
-Dilip Kumar Goswami
Let me introduce myself as Dilip Kumar Goswami. Born in Sarumoinapuria Gaon, near Lahdoigarh, 14 kms from Jorhat town, Assam, India, to Late Gubin Chandra Goswami & Mrs. Suchila Goswami, I lost my father on the 30th day of my birth. My maternal grandfather Late Devendra Nath Bhattacharyya who was the second son of Late Budhindra Nath Dilihial Bhattacharyya, the author of “Pronouncing Anglo-Assamese Dictionary”, brought me along with my elder brother to his Jorhat residence. We were brought up by grandfather and grandmother at Jorhat town for which we are ever indebted to them. After primary education in “Ward No.4 Primary School”, passed matriculation from “Sankardev Seminary” and pre-university from “J.B. College”, all in Jorhat and then I took admission in Jorhat Engineering college in 1968. After passing the 2nd year final examination, took institutional transfer to Assam Engineering College for enrolling in Chemical Engineering. Staying at Hostel No.3, I obtained Bachelor’s Degree from Assam Engineering College in 1973 in Chemical Engineering with first class fifth position under Guwahati University.
My family
I married Jyotica, the eldest daughter of Late Mukti Nath Bezbarua & Late Sisir Bezbarua of Margherita, Assam, on 4th December,1978 and we have two children, daughter Ananya & son Tonmoy, both are engineers presently working in software companies in Bangalore & Pune respectively.
Career & achievements
I joined in OIL INDIA LTD. on 1st November, 1974 as Graduate Engineer Trainee in the Production Department and worked in various capacities until October,1987 when I went on deputation to the Refinery & Petrochemical Division of AIDC, specially created for Accord Refinery pre-project activities, based in Guwahati. I was also a member of the Refinery Site Selection Sub-Committee which finally came up at Numaligarh. I had also contributed in getting Letter of Intent for the Assam Gas Cracker and in fact, the gas availability for the gas cracker at that time was established by me through a feasibility study. Interestingly, unlike the 4th refinery, there was no site selection committee formally constituted for Assam Gas Cracker and Tengakhat, the original site for the Assam Gas Cracker, was selected by me through the above feasibility study only. However, subsequently the site had to be shifted to Lepetkata due to objection from Aviation Authority for the Tengakhat site and there were changes in feed stock due to which it has now become a Gas-cum-Naphtha Cracker.
I was offered a posting in Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL) as Senior Manager and accepting the offer I joined in NRL on 31st March 1993 as the first employee of the organisation after taking voluntary retirement from Oil India Ltd. However, subsequently Oil India Ltd refused to give me the benefits of voluntary retirement scheme with the plea that as per Bureau of Public Enterprises’ Guideline one cannot join another public sector organization after taking voluntary retirement from any public sector. I had challenged Oil India’s contention as well as the legality of the Guideline in the Guwahati High Court and won the case. Oil India then appealed against the single bench judgment where OIL was represented by the senior most advocate of Guwahati High Court N.M. Lahiri. The appeal case was argued by myself in the court where the then Hon’ble Chief Justice B Kumar and Justice D. Biswas were in the bench, in a court hall jam packed with advocates. I won the appeal case and Oil India had to release my VRS benefits. The full judgment is available inwww.indiankanoon.org/doc/653091/
From 1993 to 2011 I worked in various departments with different capacities in NRL and retired on 31st January,2011. My last posting was as the General Manager (Human Resource & Legal). I have already shifted to my own house in Guwahati at House No. 199, Panjabari near Guwahati Psychiatric Hospital.
As an actor
I have acted in many one act plays and in a few full length dramas since 1975 all in Duliajan , Moran and Numaligarh. My favourite roles are comedy characters. Few of my successful one act plays staged at Numaligarh were ” Biswase Miloyo Hori”, ” Ventilator 97″, “Time Capsule”, “ Broken Mirror”, etc. “Broken Mirror” was a dialogue less play co-acting with Sri Debojeet Sarma Kakoty which had to be repeated on public demand three times on different occasions at Kaliyani Club, Numaligarh.
As a writer
Since 1988, I had written a number of articles in the local newspapers & periodicals namely, The North-East Times, Dainik Asom, Natun Dainik, Boodhbar, Agan, , etc. with my pseudo names Satyen Sarma, Satyabrata Handique, etc. on various current topics some of which had created sensation among the public. In fact, my article under the caption ‘Barauniloi Adhik Tel Nibor Karone Looping Hoi Ase Janene?” published in “Dainik Asom” in 1989 with my pseudo name Satyabrata Handique resulted a state wide student agitation against construction of loop line by Oil India Ltd in the Duliajan-Barauni Crude Oil Pipeline which had culminated in abandoning the project by Oil India Ltd. I still continue to write articles on current topics in news papers to express my views to the public but now with my identity.
Articles on cancer
I had come across a book named ‘Cancer-step outside the Box’ authored by Ty M. Bollinger in early 2008 which was declared as ‘The most sensational book’, ‘The most eye opening book’, etc. in America in 2008. The synopsis of the book is that the cure for cancer has been found in the world through natural alternative therapies about 50/60 years back and the large pharmaceutical industries are converting cancer research and treatment to a ‘Cancer Industry’ through orthodox treatments of Chemotherapy, Radiation and Operation for their business gain. After going through the book and subsequent study on the internet on alternative treatments of cancer, I had written a series of articles in the Assamese daily newspaper ‘Amar Asom’ under the caption ‘Canceror Answer’ compilation of which has already been published in a book form in 2009 and 5000 copies of the first edition is almost exhausted. Due to overwhelming response from readers of the book in Assamese, intending to spread the message contained in the articles among the masses, the book has been already translated to English and both Assamese & the English versions are available free as soft copy in this website in pdf format. However, the author is not responsible for any controversy on anything contained in these articles as these are either gathered from internet or reproduced from the book ‘Cancer-Step Outside the Box’.
Assistance to cancer patients
Though I received a number of lucrative post-retirement offers from private oil companies, ignoring all, I decided to devote rest of my life in serving people through alternative treatments of cancer. I share my knowledge on alternative treatments of cancer at no cost with any cancer patient seeking my assistance in applying these therapies at home. Though most of the patients come after failure of radiation &/or Chemotherapy some of them are reportedly getting positive results with alternative therapies. In fact, one Lymphoma patient namely Ms. Ruby Dutta, a teacher in Panitola Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh got cured with alternative treatment at her home which was disclosed by her elder brother Shri Ritujit Rajkhowa in a press conference on 14th January,2011 and the news was published in the front page of “Amar Asom” on 15th January,2011. Another patient Shri Jagabandhu Das of Golokganj, who was suffering from esophagus cancer & feeding pipe implanted, attained complete remission with alternative therapy and the NE TV broadcasted a report in their prime news on 16th June,2011 in all languages. Both these cases are reproduced in detail in the ‘success stories’ section of this website. Another Acute Myeloid Leukemia patient diagnosed in September,2010 who could not be confirmed of surviving for a month by both Tata Memorial and Prince Ali Khan Hospital of Mumbai could survive for nine months with alternative treatment at home. However, she did not die of cancer, but from lung infection which could not be controlled by orthodox medicine. Subsequently, some more patients who got cured of cancer after applying various alternative treatments are Shri Rajkamal Koch of Biswanath Chariali, Mrs. Subarna Pujari of Bokakhat, Mrs. Usha Maheswari of Guwahati, Mrs. Toyubun Nisha of Golaghat, Mrs. Padmaboti Devi Singh of Guwahati, Mrs. Rupohi Devi of Jorhat, etc.This site will be continuously updated with latest testimonials & success stories.
For information of readers of this website, I have already successfully completed N.D. course on Naturopathy in 2012-13 from Indian Board of Alternative Medicine and now I am legally authorised to practice Naturopath.
My vision
To establish alternative natural therapies as the first choice of cancer treatment and to make the North-East cancer free.
Actions taken to achieve vision.
One NGO under the name & style of ‘PO’RITRAN’ has already been registered under my Presidentship with noted intellectuals of Assam Shri Homen Borgohain and Shri Dhirendranath Chakravorty in the Advisory Board, sole vision of the NGO being ‘eradication of cancer from the North-East India’. The NGO organises Cancer Awareness Meetings where I deliver speeches on prevention and treatment of cancer through natural alternative home therapies. In order to achieve objective of the NGO it has proposed to set up one clinic in & around Bokakhat, Assam with technical support from International Complementary Alternative Medicine(ICAM), Bangalore for treatment of cancer patients at subsidised/free of charge under its charitable activities. The clinic is expected to be in operation within a year depending on response from corporate world & prospective donors.
-Dilip Kumar Goswami