Success Story 8
Name : Shri Shyam Kumar Bora,
Address : Lakhimpur.
Type of cancer : Brain Tumour.
The patient was operated in a private hospital in Guwahati when a part of the tumour left behind. After the operation the patient could not identify people, could not move on his own even on the bed, could not speak even a single word. Family members decided to apply alternative treatment as there was no improvement in the hospital after the operation and the patient was taken home as advised.
On application of alternative home therapy, the patient improved gradually and after around 15 days he could walk to the bath room of his own, recognise people, read newspaper, etc. On 20th day, the naphew of the patient visited Po’ritran office & had written the progress of treatment as below:
“Mr. Shyam Kumar Borah,a brain tumour patient undergone alternative treatment from the date of 29th July,2014.Following are the improvements, distinct after twenty days from the date of starting- 1)within a week,astonishingly the patient started to stand with support of any pearson,as he was not able to sit for a minute.2)surprisingly he started to speak,though it is not clear at all.3)appetite improved with the therapies 4)better improvements noticed from the second week and he now walk without any support and also recognised persons with their names.We are grateful to Goswami sir and his mindblowing effort at the areas of alternative cancer therapies. With regard Moutuchi Tamuly”.
On 12.12.14 Moutuchi reported as below:
“ Thanks for your kind response sir. We are happy to inform you that
though Shyam Bora is not completely recovering but, to a great extent
he can now able to do his own work by himself. Suddenly a week before
he just felt sick in the morning but after an hour he comes to a
normal state and now he is quite well. At the time of his sickness the
blood sugarl goes to the level of 107. I have attached all the reports
and having request to you to please have a look. We all are thankful
to you sir. With regards Moutuchi.”
The patient improved gradually and now after three and half months of treatment he does not have any symptom of cancer. MRI scanning done in 1st week of November confirmed that the tumour has vanished.
Address : Lakhimpur.
Type of cancer : Brain Tumour.
The patient was operated in a private hospital in Guwahati when a part of the tumour left behind. After the operation the patient could not identify people, could not move on his own even on the bed, could not speak even a single word. Family members decided to apply alternative treatment as there was no improvement in the hospital after the operation and the patient was taken home as advised.
On application of alternative home therapy, the patient improved gradually and after around 15 days he could walk to the bath room of his own, recognise people, read newspaper, etc. On 20th day, the naphew of the patient visited Po’ritran office & had written the progress of treatment as below:
“Mr. Shyam Kumar Borah,a brain tumour patient undergone alternative treatment from the date of 29th July,2014.Following are the improvements, distinct after twenty days from the date of starting- 1)within a week,astonishingly the patient started to stand with support of any pearson,as he was not able to sit for a minute.2)surprisingly he started to speak,though it is not clear at all.3)appetite improved with the therapies 4)better improvements noticed from the second week and he now walk without any support and also recognised persons with their names.We are grateful to Goswami sir and his mindblowing effort at the areas of alternative cancer therapies. With regard Moutuchi Tamuly”.
On 12.12.14 Moutuchi reported as below:
“ Thanks for your kind response sir. We are happy to inform you that
though Shyam Bora is not completely recovering but, to a great extent
he can now able to do his own work by himself. Suddenly a week before
he just felt sick in the morning but after an hour he comes to a
normal state and now he is quite well. At the time of his sickness the
blood sugarl goes to the level of 107. I have attached all the reports
and having request to you to please have a look. We all are thankful
to you sir. With regards Moutuchi.”
The patient improved gradually and now after three and half months of treatment he does not have any symptom of cancer. MRI scanning done in 1st week of November confirmed that the tumour has vanished.