Success Story No.2
Name of patient : Shri Jagabandhu Das.
Age : 70 years.
Current residence : Duliajan OIL Township.
Contact person : Shri Jayanta Kumar Das, Dy CED(TS), Drilling, OIL INDIA LTD.
Mobile: 9954486530, e-mail : [email protected]
Type of cancer : Ca Esophagus( Squamous Cell Carcinoma).
Condition immediately before treatment : Could not take anything orally. Feeding pipe implanted at stomach on 22.01.11.
Treatment applied : 10 cycle palliative radiation for opening up esophagus between 24.01.11 to 04.02.11 and Budwig Therapy from 06.02.11 along with Wheatgrass Powder & B17 tablet. After 15 days of the therapy as above the length of tumor reduced from 6.5cm to 4.5 cm and wall thickening reduced from 1.6 cm to 1.4 cm as per CT Scan done on 21.02.11. He was also given Turmeric juice with Neem(1/2 glass), Pomegranate juice(1 glass), Apple juice( 1 glass), grape juice & raw carrot juice (1 glass),potato, broccoli, red beet, bean soup(3 glasses), Aloe Vera juice( 4 tsf), Multivitamin without vitamin C and Ulgel(an Antacid & anti ulcerate) daily. Another 10 cycles of External RT palliative radiation was given from 20.02.11 to 04.03.11. The alternative therapy has been converted to Cellect-Budwig since 2nd week of March,11 & continuing.
Treatment Progress ( as on 11.06.11): The patient could gradually eat solid foods, feels normal in all respect and gained weight. Walks five kms. in the evening every day without exhaustion. As per the patient himself he is already cured. As per endoscopy done in Tata Memorial Hospital under Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai on 01.06.2011 there is residual thickening of 2 cms in length in the esophagus between 24-26 cm. However, serial deep cuts biopsy done at Tata Memorial Hospital, and reported on 06.06.2011, did not find any cancer cell and the 2 cms layer on the wall of esophagus is found to be stratified squamous epithelium only. The patient is now declared as totally cancer free. Read a summary of the treatment progress written by the son of the patient Shri Jayanta Das as below:
Summary of Alternative Treatment to my father Shri Jagabandhu Das.
Quote :
…………My father Sri Jagobandhu Das, was finding difficulty in swallowing food( Dysphagia) from first part of December,2010. Immediately he has been taken to Guwahati and has undergone GI Endoscopy and Biopsy on 11.12.10 at Hayat Hospital. We got the Biopsy Report on 16.12.10 and the finding was negative. We got reviewed the report by Dr. Jagannath Sarma of B Baruah Cancer Institute, Guwahati and the result was negative again. After that, another GI Endoscopy and biopsy was done on 28.12.10 at Dispur Polyclinic, Guwahati. We got the result from Saharia Path lab, Guwahati on 07.01.11 which states that he has Squamous Cell Carcinoma in his Esophagus which is confirmed by CT scan also. Please note that my father’s dysphagia( difficulty in swallowing food) became more acute after these two biopsies. However, we have decided to visit Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on 20.01.2011, but from 19.01.2011 onwards he suffered almost complete dysphagia. We tried to admit him at B.Baruah Cancer Institute on 20.01.11 for Alternative Feeding operation. But doctor concerned clarified that our father could not be admitted in BBCI after operation and we will have to keep him at some lodge or hotel which we thought impossible and immediately rushed to North East Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Jorabat on 21..01.11 .He was immediately given intravenous liquid as he became very weak and was not being able to eat anything for last 3 days .He has been operated for Jejunostomy ( alternative feeding thru stomach) on 22.01.11. From 24.01.11 to 04.02.11, he has been given palliative Radio Therapy at NECHRI, Jorabat. He has been given another 10 (ten) nos. of Radio Therapy from 22..02.11 to 04.03.2011.Good care was taken of my father during our stay at NECHRI in comparison to the indifference shown to us at BBCI. We are very much thankful to them for these initial days of treatment. In the mean time I came to know about Mr. Dilip Kumar Goswami from one of my colleagues and immediately read his book ” Canceror Answer” published in Assamese language and made contact with him over telephone as well as E-mail. He advised me about Cellect Budwig Protocol and other precautions to be taken. Eventually, we have started Budwig Diet as per Cellect Budwig Protocol and Apricot kernel from 06.02.2011 immediately after completion of the first Radio Therapy session. We have increased the number of Apricot kernels to 30 after some days and Budwig Diet to thrice daily. In addition to the above, we also gave him 1 tsp Wheatgrass Powder once daily in the morning empty stomach, Turmeric juice with Neem( 1/2 glass), Pomegranate Juice( 1 glass), Apple Juice(1 glass), raw Carrot juice ( 1 glass), Rice/Dal/Other Veg like potato, broccoli, red beet, bean soup ( 3 glass ), Aloe Vera juice ( 4 tsp), Multi-Vitamin without Vitamin C, Ulgel-A ( an Antacid & anti Ulcerant) daily. It is to be noted that Sugar, Milk, Oil and packaged food etc. should not be given during this treatment. After some weeks, we received Vitamin B-17 tablets ( 500 mg) from Mexico and started giving it to our father once daily. Now we have decreased the no. of apricot kernels to 10 only per day. After that, during the last part of March,2011 we reported to NECHRI for check up and this time Barium Meal X-ray revealed that the inflammation due to Cancer in his esophagus is largely gone ( almost 80% cured) though there was some confusion in the CT scan report. However we continued with the treatment and after some 02 to 03 weeks later, we have received Cellect Powder( a special kind of Protein Powder ) from USA .. We gave this powder for about a month 3 or 4 times a day mixed with fresh fruit juice and at the beginning of May, 2011, our father has started saying that he does not have the disease anymore in his body and there was no problem eating his food. Actually he has gained 5 kg and could walk about 4 km in the evening from May,2011 onwards. At last we have decided to visit Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai for Evaluation & Check up during first part of June,2011. He has undergone GI Endoscopy and Biopsy and the result has been found to be negative. The doctor concerned released him on 08.06.20011 with an advice of reporting for another check up after 3 months.. That means my father is free from cancer as of now. We think such kind of rapid cure has became only possible for using Alternative Cancer Therapy namely Cellect Budwig Protocol and Vitamin B-17 tablet under the kind & able guidance of Mr. Dilip Kr. Goswami. We are very much thankful to him for this and appreciate his endeavour in creating a consciousness among the masses of Assam about the efficacy of Alternate Cancer Treatment. We feel that other cancer patients of Assam may also benefit from such Alternative Cancer Treatment if followed in toto.
Jayanta Kumar Das
Dy Chief Engineer
Drilling -TS
Oil India Limited
Mobile: 9954486530
: Unquote
Note : NE TV broadcasted a report about this success story on 16th June,2011 in their prime news of all languages.
Age : 70 years.
Current residence : Duliajan OIL Township.
Contact person : Shri Jayanta Kumar Das, Dy CED(TS), Drilling, OIL INDIA LTD.
Mobile: 9954486530, e-mail : [email protected]
Type of cancer : Ca Esophagus( Squamous Cell Carcinoma).
Condition immediately before treatment : Could not take anything orally. Feeding pipe implanted at stomach on 22.01.11.
Treatment applied : 10 cycle palliative radiation for opening up esophagus between 24.01.11 to 04.02.11 and Budwig Therapy from 06.02.11 along with Wheatgrass Powder & B17 tablet. After 15 days of the therapy as above the length of tumor reduced from 6.5cm to 4.5 cm and wall thickening reduced from 1.6 cm to 1.4 cm as per CT Scan done on 21.02.11. He was also given Turmeric juice with Neem(1/2 glass), Pomegranate juice(1 glass), Apple juice( 1 glass), grape juice & raw carrot juice (1 glass),potato, broccoli, red beet, bean soup(3 glasses), Aloe Vera juice( 4 tsf), Multivitamin without vitamin C and Ulgel(an Antacid & anti ulcerate) daily. Another 10 cycles of External RT palliative radiation was given from 20.02.11 to 04.03.11. The alternative therapy has been converted to Cellect-Budwig since 2nd week of March,11 & continuing.
Treatment Progress ( as on 11.06.11): The patient could gradually eat solid foods, feels normal in all respect and gained weight. Walks five kms. in the evening every day without exhaustion. As per the patient himself he is already cured. As per endoscopy done in Tata Memorial Hospital under Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai on 01.06.2011 there is residual thickening of 2 cms in length in the esophagus between 24-26 cm. However, serial deep cuts biopsy done at Tata Memorial Hospital, and reported on 06.06.2011, did not find any cancer cell and the 2 cms layer on the wall of esophagus is found to be stratified squamous epithelium only. The patient is now declared as totally cancer free. Read a summary of the treatment progress written by the son of the patient Shri Jayanta Das as below:
Summary of Alternative Treatment to my father Shri Jagabandhu Das.
Quote :
…………My father Sri Jagobandhu Das, was finding difficulty in swallowing food( Dysphagia) from first part of December,2010. Immediately he has been taken to Guwahati and has undergone GI Endoscopy and Biopsy on 11.12.10 at Hayat Hospital. We got the Biopsy Report on 16.12.10 and the finding was negative. We got reviewed the report by Dr. Jagannath Sarma of B Baruah Cancer Institute, Guwahati and the result was negative again. After that, another GI Endoscopy and biopsy was done on 28.12.10 at Dispur Polyclinic, Guwahati. We got the result from Saharia Path lab, Guwahati on 07.01.11 which states that he has Squamous Cell Carcinoma in his Esophagus which is confirmed by CT scan also. Please note that my father’s dysphagia( difficulty in swallowing food) became more acute after these two biopsies. However, we have decided to visit Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on 20.01.2011, but from 19.01.2011 onwards he suffered almost complete dysphagia. We tried to admit him at B.Baruah Cancer Institute on 20.01.11 for Alternative Feeding operation. But doctor concerned clarified that our father could not be admitted in BBCI after operation and we will have to keep him at some lodge or hotel which we thought impossible and immediately rushed to North East Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Jorabat on 21..01.11 .He was immediately given intravenous liquid as he became very weak and was not being able to eat anything for last 3 days .He has been operated for Jejunostomy ( alternative feeding thru stomach) on 22.01.11. From 24.01.11 to 04.02.11, he has been given palliative Radio Therapy at NECHRI, Jorabat. He has been given another 10 (ten) nos. of Radio Therapy from 22..02.11 to 04.03.2011.Good care was taken of my father during our stay at NECHRI in comparison to the indifference shown to us at BBCI. We are very much thankful to them for these initial days of treatment. In the mean time I came to know about Mr. Dilip Kumar Goswami from one of my colleagues and immediately read his book ” Canceror Answer” published in Assamese language and made contact with him over telephone as well as E-mail. He advised me about Cellect Budwig Protocol and other precautions to be taken. Eventually, we have started Budwig Diet as per Cellect Budwig Protocol and Apricot kernel from 06.02.2011 immediately after completion of the first Radio Therapy session. We have increased the number of Apricot kernels to 30 after some days and Budwig Diet to thrice daily. In addition to the above, we also gave him 1 tsp Wheatgrass Powder once daily in the morning empty stomach, Turmeric juice with Neem( 1/2 glass), Pomegranate Juice( 1 glass), Apple Juice(1 glass), raw Carrot juice ( 1 glass), Rice/Dal/Other Veg like potato, broccoli, red beet, bean soup ( 3 glass ), Aloe Vera juice ( 4 tsp), Multi-Vitamin without Vitamin C, Ulgel-A ( an Antacid & anti Ulcerant) daily. It is to be noted that Sugar, Milk, Oil and packaged food etc. should not be given during this treatment. After some weeks, we received Vitamin B-17 tablets ( 500 mg) from Mexico and started giving it to our father once daily. Now we have decreased the no. of apricot kernels to 10 only per day. After that, during the last part of March,2011 we reported to NECHRI for check up and this time Barium Meal X-ray revealed that the inflammation due to Cancer in his esophagus is largely gone ( almost 80% cured) though there was some confusion in the CT scan report. However we continued with the treatment and after some 02 to 03 weeks later, we have received Cellect Powder( a special kind of Protein Powder ) from USA .. We gave this powder for about a month 3 or 4 times a day mixed with fresh fruit juice and at the beginning of May, 2011, our father has started saying that he does not have the disease anymore in his body and there was no problem eating his food. Actually he has gained 5 kg and could walk about 4 km in the evening from May,2011 onwards. At last we have decided to visit Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai for Evaluation & Check up during first part of June,2011. He has undergone GI Endoscopy and Biopsy and the result has been found to be negative. The doctor concerned released him on 08.06.20011 with an advice of reporting for another check up after 3 months.. That means my father is free from cancer as of now. We think such kind of rapid cure has became only possible for using Alternative Cancer Therapy namely Cellect Budwig Protocol and Vitamin B-17 tablet under the kind & able guidance of Mr. Dilip Kr. Goswami. We are very much thankful to him for this and appreciate his endeavour in creating a consciousness among the masses of Assam about the efficacy of Alternate Cancer Treatment. We feel that other cancer patients of Assam may also benefit from such Alternative Cancer Treatment if followed in toto.
Jayanta Kumar Das
Dy Chief Engineer
Drilling -TS
Oil India Limited
Mobile: 9954486530
: Unquote
Note : NE TV broadcasted a report about this success story on 16th June,2011 in their prime news of all languages.